
Automatic wire head cuter

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سر سیم زن

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Technical Specifications

The function of the device includes:wire stripping, wire twisting and wire winding all in one step
Performance scenario: the operator puts the end of the cut wire into the device and the device performs the operations automatically.
Wire size: 1, 1.5, 2.5 and 4 mm square
Wire type: needle according to wire size
Speed: at least 5000 pieces per hour
The heads of the wires are fed by the vibrating plate.
The wire feeding rail can be adjusted for different sizes.
It has PLC and HMI for accurate and simple programming and setting, saving parameters
With the ability to adjust the length of wire stripping
Wire detection sensor
Wire termination alarm
Power supply: 220AC electricity and wind with a pressure of 5 to 8 bar

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